Preparing for the Women’s* March

On the 9th of March is the Women’s* March on Amsterdam!

Kattenkwaad will join the March and walk in the intersectional and anticapitalist block. If you also want to go, and would like to make a banner or a sign, you are welcome to join our preperation meeting on the 8th of March!

We will meet at the Samenscholing around 19:00, and together start making banners/signs. If you don’t know what to make, you can help us with painting the Kattenkwaad banner.

There will be vegan snacks at the preperation meeting and nice music.

We hope to see you there!

More information on the Women’s* March on Amsterdam can be found on their Facebook event: Women’s* March on Amsterdam
More information on the intersectional and anti-capitalist block can be found on the Facebook event created by the Vrije Bond: Intersectional/Anticapitalist block

Women* refers to everyone who identifies as a woman, or who struggles with being misgendered as a woman.