Information and Discussion Night: Action for Abortion Rights!

*English Below*

Kattenkwaad organiseert op donderdag 11 april een avond waar we het recht op abortus in Nederland kunnen bespreken. We focussen ons voornamelijk op de inperking van dit recht, en op de intimidatie door christenfundamentalistische groepen die mensen benaderen wanneer zij naar een abortus kliniek gaan.

Welke beweringen gebruiken christenfundamentalisten om abortus weg te zetten als gevaarlijk en als moord? En hoe is het aan te tonen dat deze beweringen niet wetenschappelijk onderbouwd zijn en dus niet kloppen? We gaan wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat gedaan is naar abortus bespreken om ons te verdiepen in de psychologische en fysieke impact van een abortus. Ook zal er ruimte zijn om persoonlijke verhalen rondom abortus te delen met elkaar. En natuurlijk bespreken we hoe we actie kunnen voeren tegen anti-abortus activisten!

Laten we het taboe rondom abortus verbreken en actie nemen tegen de anti-abortus activisten die ons recht aantasten. Het is tijd om de oude slogans weer naar boven te halen! Baas in Eigen Buik!

De Opstand is toegankelijk voor rolstoelen.

Tijd: 19:00.

Adres: Beatrijsstraat, 2531 XC Den Haag, Nederland


On Thursday the 11th of April Kattenkwaad will organise a night where we will discuss the right to abortion in the Netherlands. We will mainly focus on how christianfundamentalist groups are trying to take away these rights, and how anti-abortion groups are intimitating people who are going to abortion clinics.

What claims use christianfundamentalists to portray abortion as dangerous and as murder? And how is it possible to show that these claims are not supported by scientific evidence and therefore they spread false information? We will discuss scientific research on abortion, and there will be the opportunity to share personal stories on abortion with each other. Afterwards we will discuss how we can take action against anti-abortion activists!

On Thursday the 11th of April, Kattenkwaad will host a night where we will discuss abortion rights in the Netherlands. We will mainly focus on how, and who, is threatening this right.

Let’s break the silence and taboo around abortion and take action against anti-abortion activists that want to take away our rights It is time to re-use a slogan that has not been used for a long time in the Netherlands: My Body, My Choice!

De Opstand is wheelchair accessible.

Time: 19h

Address: Beatrijsstraat, 2531 XC The Hague, Netherlands


Hex the Patriarchy Reading Group

HEX THE PATRIARCHY Reading Group: Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women*

On the 5th of April, when the New Moon rises, we will start to explore the relationship between witchcraft, anti-capitalism and feminism!

Women* who have opposed capitalism, patriarchy and Christian power structures have often been labelled as witches, with the result that many have been tortured, hanged, burned or killed in other terrible ways. The genocide of women during the early modern witch-hunt era in Europe is often overlooked when we talk of periods in history that have had an impact on social inequalities in contemporary society. Yet, these witch-hunts occurred during the rise of modern day capitalism, and when the political and economic power of the church became very important. Christianity and capitalism sailed together to other places and there too, decided that powerful women*, medicine women*, shamans and everyone who they saw as ‘witches’ were destroyed. Together capitalism and Christianity survive and become stronger through patriarchal power structures – let’s hex them and destroy them!

We will dive into the history of the witchhunts and its connection to capitalism with the help of Silvia Federici’s research. We will especially focus on ‘Witches, Witch-hunting and Women’. She will offer us an explanation of how anti-capitalism should be connected with feminism, and the other way around.

The book ‘Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women’ can be bought at the anarchist bookstore the Opstand,, where a copy of chapters 2, 3 and 4 can be found. You can also email kattenkwaad-haf(at) for a pdf. If you don’t have time to read the chapters, here is a summary: Summary ‘Witches, Witch-hunting and Women’

Time and date of the reading group: 5th of April, 19h.

Address: Roggeveenstraat 56, The Hague.