Preparing for the Women’s* March

On the 9th of March is the Women’s* March on Amsterdam!

Kattenkwaad will join the March and walk in the intersectional and anticapitalist block. If you also want to go, and would like to make a banner or a sign, you are welcome to join our preperation meeting on the 8th of March!

We will meet at the Samenscholing around 19:00, and together start making banners/signs. If you don’t know what to make, you can help us with painting the Kattenkwaad banner.

There will be vegan snacks at the preperation meeting and nice music.

We hope to see you there!

More information on the Women’s* March on Amsterdam can be found on their Facebook event: Women’s* March on Amsterdam
More information on the intersectional and anti-capitalist block can be found on the Facebook event created by the Vrije Bond: Intersectional/Anticapitalist block

Women* refers to everyone who identifies as a woman, or who struggles with being misgendered as a woman.

ABORT PATRIARCHY: Benefit Eatcafé & Concert

Abort the Patriarchy Benefit Eatcafé and Concert for ANA, Den Haag

On the 22nd of March, the feminist initiative Kattenkwaad organizes a benefit eatcafé and a concert for Abortion Network Amsterdam (ANA)!

ANA exists is a group of volunteers who came together to create a network of support for women who don’t have access to safe abortion because of a number of reasons:
– they don’t have access to legal abortion in the country of origin;
– the country where they reside doesn’t provide late term abortion;
– they don’t have access to legal abortion because of their status in the country

ANA provides the women with housing and some of the basic needs, help with transportation and translation in some cases. We make sure they get all the documents needed for the abortion, help set up an appointment as well as choose the appropriate clinic in the Netherlands.

The feminist (and vegan) eatcafé starts around 18:00.
The concert start around 20:00.


Stand at 2.Dh5

On the  23rd of February we will be at 2.Dh5 with our stand!

Come and visit us to get more information on Kattenkwaad, and on how you can get involved. At our stand you will find some zines, buttons, patches and anarcha-feminist flags.



Feminist VOKU

Feminist VOKU at the Ruige Rog!

On monday the 4th of February Kattenkwaad organises a benefit eatcafé in the Ruige Rog! Since we started our collective at the end of last year, we could use some money to create some great anarcha-feminist stickers, artworks, flyers, patches and more!

Kattenkwaad is an autonomous feminist initiative from the Hague, initiated by local activists who wish to organise themselves around feminist issues in a horizontal way. We strive for a society free of racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia or other discriminatory or oppressive behaviour and consider the revealing and rejection of social inequality the first necessary step to achieve change. Therefore we organise different kinds of gatherings and actions, directly or indirectly relating to patriarchal oppression or gender inequality.

Food will be on donation and of course it will be vegan!

Address: Roggeveenstraat 56, 2518 TM, The Hague
Opening time Ruige Rog: 18:00, start of dinner: 19:00

Open Meeting

*English Below*

Open vergadering van Kattenkwaad
Op vrijdag 21 december, organiseert de autonome feministische initiatief Kattenwaad een open vergadering in de Ruige Rog.
Tijdens deze vergadering is iedereen welkom om te bespreken wat feminisme voor ons betekent, en hoe we actief vorm willen geven aan een intersectioneel feministisch initiatief. We bespreken belangrijke richtlijnen waar we als initiatief op willen focussen, en hoe we dit duidelijk kunnen maken (door middel van bijvoorbeeld een ‘code of conduct’, of een manifest).
Ook kijken we terug naar wat we hebben georganiseerd in de paar maanden dat we bestaan, maar zullen we ons vooral focussen op wat we nog meer kunnen organiseren en kunnen doen!
Als je ideeën hebt voor acties of activiteiten, ben je heel welkom om naar de vergadering te komen en je ideeën te delen en mee te discussiëren. Ook als je nog nooit bij een activiteit van Kattenkwaad bent geweest: iedereen is welkom en nieuwe perspectieven worden altijd gewaardeerd.

Tijd: 19:00
De Ruige Rog
Adres: Roggeveenstraat 56, Den Haag

Open Meeting Kattenkwaad
On Friday the 21st of December, the autonomous feminist initiative Kattenkwaad organizes an open meeting in the Ruige Rog.
Everyone is welcome to come to this meeting and discuss what feminism means for us, and how we can actively give this form within an intersectional feminist initiative. We will discuss important standpoints that we strive to focus on as an initiative, and we will discuss how we can make this visible (e.g. through an ‘code of conduct’ or a manifest).
We will also look back at what we have organized in the few months that we exist, but we will mainly focus on what else we can organize and do!
If you have ideas for actions and activities, you are very welcome to join and share your ideas and to discuss them. If you have never been to an activity hosted by Kattenkwaad, you are also welcome: new perspectives are valued a lot.

Time: 19:00
De Ruige Rog
Address: Roggeveenstraat 56, The Hague